Reopened on 28 May 2007 after a 100m Euro renovation the Schlosshotel looks greater than ever!
Schloss Velden
For over 100 years Hotel Schloss Velden was the meeting point of the international jet set. The King of Thailand enjoyed its hospitality, the Prince of Wales, the Kings of Sweden and Norway, too.
To the left, by the way: Edward, the Duke of Windsor, walking his dogs outside Schloss Velden. In our new book the stars of today and yesterday parade through colourful pages. The sophisticated beach club, the terrace and the park were the playgrounds of the makers and shakers of history. We meet tycoons and politicians, little crooks and great stars, secret spies and outspoken personalities. We relive touching moments when British soldiers, once enemies, later part of the liberating allied forces, became faithful guests after the war. Somerset Maugham and James Bond inventor Ian Fleming as well as Austrian writer Peter Handke were inspired by the unique atmosphere of the hotel. Bing Crosby, Ingrid Bergmann, Omar Sharif found a home away from home in the historic castle. We will witness world politics unfolding when we accompany politicians to secret conferences in the park of the castle. We meet crowned heads and celebrated divas and dwell in memories of guests of the legendary Schlossbar, the epicentre of social life of the lake.
During the 1980s the castle was set for the most popular TV series of the German speaking market, ‘Ein Schloss am Woerthersee’ (A Castle at Lake Woerther). We meet stars of the series like Roy Black, we talk about the ambitious plans of German industrialist Gunter Sachs and finally we land in the present.
Recently the hotel underwent a total facelift, with spa and beach club added. It has quickly regained its leading position of fab and hip places around the lake. On 12 April 2011 it was puchased by C.T.S. Complesso Turistico Schloss GmbH (main shareholder Ugo Barchiesi, Italy).
How the Stage was set
1590-1607: The Freiherr Bartholomäus Khevenhüller and his wife Blanka Ludmille (right) built their manor together with a mill and a dairy in the bay of the Woerthersee (lake Woerther), next to the hamlet of Velden. As the building turned out to be more of a castle than a manor, it became known as ‘Schloss (castle) Velden’. It boasted light Italian architecture and on one of its four towers was a famous horn composed of large tin whistles, which sounded as far as the city of Villach, many miles away. 1762: The historic castle fell victim to a devastating fire. It was not rebuilt and would remain in a very modest state until 1890.
1700s-1800s: For over 120 years the castle was home to the local mail coach station, being the exchange point for passengers of the lake steamers from the county’s capital Klagenfurt and the daily mail coach arriving from Villach, Trient and Mantua. 1832: The castle welcomed its first long term resident, Prince Johann I. of Liechtenstein (bottom). This great statesman and passionate garden architect rented an annex for ten years. This pleasure can be provided today by obtaining one of the most sought after residences – currently under construction – in the park of the castle. At that time the Klagenfurt business man Anton Truher also took a permanent room at the castle. He was reputably the first tourist in the region, crisscrossing the 10 mile-long lake with his sailing boat as early as 1802, when he fell in love with the romantic setting of Velden right at the other end of the lake. 1870s: Lake Woerther firmly established itself as a tourist destination. Hotels provided new means of income. Families like the Moro, Ulbing, Wrann and Bachmayer were among the first to offer accommodation. 1881: A devastating fire destroyed most of the village of Velden. The Veldeners rebuilt their village with light, pretty architecture. For a short while the castle was even home to the Velden elementary school. 1890: The Viennese industrialist Ernst Wahliss bought the remains of the castle of Velden and rebuilt it following old views of the original castle. Four towers and three floors were added. In 1891 he christened it Etablissement Wahliss, later it became commonly known as Hotel Schloss Velden. In its early years it even had its own cinema, where visitors could watch the stars of the silver screen. Later during the year the local population was able to watch their movie idols "life", when those actors were staying right here, at the Schlosshotel Velden, one of the great and romantic spots this lovely country Austria has to offer.
HISTORY IN BRIEF: 1545 Baron Barthelmä Khevenhüller buys land in Velden 1590 Khevenhüller starts with the castle’s construction 1593 Completion of the main building 1603 Presumable completion of the castle, the overall costs amounting to 40,000 Gulden 1613 Death of Barthelmä Khevenhüller 1631 Counter Reformation: confiscation of the Khevenhüller possessions 1639 Count Siegmund Ludwig Dietrichstein buys the mansions and castles of Landskron and Velden for 90,000 Gulden 1688 New owner Franz Adam Dietrichstein 1754 Franz Karl Baron Manner rents an apartment and the postal station at the Schloss from Franz Ludwig Dietrichstein. Now Velden finds itself along the postal-carriage route Klagenfurt–Villach–Venice–Bolzano–Trent and via Lake Garda to Mantua. 1758 Franz Karl Baron Manner rents the whole castle including the grasslands, fields, meadows, millpond and fishpond. 1762 After the fire, Franz Karl Manner buys the castle’s ruin, mill, fishpond, ground and the Meierhaus. 1773 Manner hands over the estate to his daughter Anna Merl. 1790 Anna Merl and her husband Johann Jakob Merl are the new owners. 1810 Peter Galler buys the estate and the postal station 1824 Josef Wrann becomes new owner in February but already in May has to sell the whole property and the postal monopoly in 1824 to the new owner Jakob Kappitsch from Tarvisio. A lake front cabin is part of the estate. 1832 Prince Johann Liechtenstein rents the anteroom of the castle with a view of the lake for 10 years. 1842 Jakob Kugy establishes the Seerestaurant in the former Seewirtshaus next to the castle. He had opened the inn around 1830 in the cabin purchased from carpenter Andreas Wurzer in 1821. 1843 Simon Kappitsch, the son of Jakob Kappitsch, takes over the castle and the estate. 1858 Death of Jakob Kugy. His son-in-law Thomas Glaser takes over the Seerestaurant and the brewery. 1881 A large fire destroys 32 houses in Velden; a primary school is accommodated in the castle. 1884 Simon Kappitsch dies, bequeathing the castle and its properties to his daughter Maria Kappitsch, married Huss, who operates the estate as a farm. 1889 Georg and Amalia Simon buy the castle and the Meierhof planning a hotel operation. 1890 Josefa Glaser, the widow of Thomas Glaser, sells the Seerestaurant to Georg and Amalia Simon. 1891 Ernst Wahliss purchases the Schloss, the Seerestaurant and the additional property for 45,000 Gulden. 1900 Death of Ernst Wahliss. His widow and his daughter Anna Elisabeth take over the management of the hotel. By distribution of the Wahliss estate, his daughter Katharina Maria Casati inherits the hotel operation. A phase of reconstruction and renovation follows until she buys the rest of the castle’s estate from the Dietrichstein trust. 1909 K.M. Casati sells the entire castle and its properties to a Viennese association for children of poor families. 1909 In the same year, the municipality repurchases the estate, appoints a board and looks for a manager. 1909–1926 Christof Mösslacher manages the Schlosshotel. He is chairman of the administrative board. 1910 Anna Leuttier becomes the manageress. 1911–1916 Leaseholder Ferdinand Geyer (estate is divided, operated by the municipality) 1912 Demolition of the castle’s wall, development of the Kurpark. Lease agreement with Ferdinand Geyer and Anton May for the entire establishment at an annual 40,000 Kronen. 1913 Karl Erdhofer from St. Wolfgang leases the lake properties of the castle for 15,000 Kronen in the first year and 17,000 Kronen in the second and third year. 1914 Lease agreement is cancelled, new lease agreement with Ferdinand Geyer for 17,000 Kronen. 1914–1917 Anna Pirker, widow of the province’s judicial councillor, becomes hotel director of Schloss Velden. 1915 No hotel operation. The Schloss is seat of the Army Administration. 1917 The Schloss serves as provisional hospital. 1918 In the autumn, the Seerestaurant has burnt down. Franz Baumgartner is commissioned with the construction of a new building. Authorisation and implementation of his plans in 1919. 1918-1919 Command Centre during the Carinthian defence. 11.2.1919 Schlosswirtschaft GmbH leases the Schloss. 6.6.—31.7.1919 Yugoslavian occupation of the Schloss. 1920 Sophie Günzl, the daughter of Christof Mösslacher, leases the Seerestaurant and the Seevilla (Schlossstöckl). The Schlosswirtschaft company operates hotel and bath. 1920s Illegal gambling house in the rooms of the former lakeside bath (Schlossbadeanstalt). 1924 Baumgartner establishes a movie theatre, the Schlosskino is born. 1930 Baumgarnter renovates the Badeanstalt. 1933 Schlosskino turns into Green Hall 1949 The elevated tiers of the Schlosskino are levelled, ground level is established, the tapestry changed. The ‘Red Hall’ is born, used for private events. 1987 From now on the Schloss is listed as historical monument, including the arcades, the Red Hall and the annexed attic. 1990/91 Gunther Sachs buys the Schloss for 120 million Schillings from Böhm, Fodermayer and Günzl. 1991 Dismantling of the Kursaal and the terraces. 1992 Dismantling of the Stöckl. 2003 The Kärntner Hypo Alpe-Adria-Bank and the Kärntner Holding Beteiligungs-AG sign an option contract for the purchase of the Schloss with Gunther Sachs. The purchase price for the Schloss and 6.5 hectare (16 acres) of land amounts to Euro 22 million. 2004 Construction begins after plans by Jabornegg & Pálffy involving an investment of Euro 100 million.
2007 Monday 28 May, re-opening of Hotel Schloss Velden with a Sleeping Beauty performance. Management Company: Capella Hotels and Resorts, hotel directors: 2007 General Manager Henning Reichel. The hotel is accepted as A Seelct Member of The Most Famous Hotels in the World. Silvio Nickols receives the first Michelin Star for the restaurant Schlossstern.
2008 General Manager Roland Paar. Chef Silvio Nickols receives the second Michelin Star for the restaurant Schlossstern.
2009-2010: General Manager Elmar Greif
2011: 12 April hotel is puchased by C.T.S. Complesso Turistico Schloss GmbH (main shareholder Ugo Barchiesi, Italy).
From the Schlosshotel’s Guestbook: Crowned Heads and Nobility Alfonso XIII, King of Spain Beatrix de Borbon Torlonia, Principessa di Civitella-Cesi, Infant of Spain Clementine von Sachsen Coburgh-Gotha Duque de Luna and Duquesa Edward and Wallis Simpson, Duke and Duchess of Windsor, 1954, in company Elenora de Borbon Dampierre, Duchess of Segovia Archduke Heinrich von Österreich (Son of Ferdinand IV von Habsburg-Lothringen) Esfandiary Eva, Mother of the former Iranian Empress Soraya Prince and Princess von Isenbrug, born Romanov Garder Singh of Khetry, Raj Bahadur Count von und zu Eugen Hoensbroech, Türning Castle, Bergheim 1954 Grand Duchess Anne-Marie von Oldenburg Gustav Adolf IV of Sweden Duke and Duchess von Mecklenburg Jaime de Borbon, Duke of Segovia, Infant of Spain Juan de Borbon (Father of the King of Spain) King of Siam and Family Mary, Princess of England Mary, Princess Royal, Countess of Harewood Olaf V of Norway Prince and Princess Albert de Ligne Prince and Princess Abd El-Moneim, Egyptian Successor to the Throne Prince Katirdjoglu Aleddin Mohtar Prince Thamer Binsaud (Son of Ibn Saud) Prince Emmanuel von Liechtenstein Prince and Princess von Hessen und bei Rhein Servath ben Hassan, Brother of King Hussein of Jordan Thassilo von Fürstenberg Victoria Princess of Battenberg, Queen of Spain Politics Abdul Rahman Hakli, Ambassador of Egypt Ali Maher, Egyptian Prime Minister Banfield Gottfried, Highest Decorated World War I Officer Bryyant Errant James, Ambassador Conant James B. Sir, US High Commissioner for Germany, 1954 Dening Sir Elser, British Ambassador, 1954 Figl Leopold, Former Austrian Federal Chancellor, 1953 Graf Ferdinand du Chastel, Belgian Ambassador in Vienna, 1954 Count Borchgrave d’Altens, Colonel, Belgian Military Attaché, 1954 Gino Scarpa, Italian Envoy, 1953 Habsburg Otto Holaubek Josef, Chief of Police in Vienna Kamitz Reinhard, Federal Minister 1953 Kirkpatrick Ivone Sir, British High Commissioner for Germany Kirkpatrick Ivone Augustine Sir, British Secretary of State Körner Theodor, Austrian Federal President 1953 Kreisky Bruno, Austrian Federal Chancellor McCreery, General Ohno Kotzum, Japanese Ambassador Rashid Al Rashid, Foreign Minister of Kuwait Reber Samuel, US Commissioner negotiating the Austrian State Treaty Renner Karl, Austrian Federal President Salter Sir Arthur, British Minister 1953 Schärf Adolf and his wife Slim W.J., Chief of the British General Staff Spitzmüller Dr. Alexander, last Minister of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy Struye Paul, President of the Senate, Brussels 1954 Templer Sir Gerald, British High Commissioner for Malaya 1954 Thompson Llewellyn, US High Commissioner for Austria Von Damm Helene, US Ambassador in Austria Caption: Waldheim Kurt, Politician (left, with a guest) Wechmar Freiherr von, German United Nations Ambassador Weiler William, German Consul, 1954 Various celebrities Aslan Anna, Gerontologist Asquith Anthony, Movie Director Bodenschatz Karl, Commander-in-Chief of the German Luftwaffe De Cooman d’Herlinckhove Jean, Industrial Tycoon, Brussels, 1954 Garner Robert L., World Bank President Handke Peter, Poet, Writer King John T., Heart Surgeon Köhl Hermann, Pilot of the first trans-Atlantic flight in the East-West direction Korngold Dr. Julius, Composer Mahler-Werfel Alma Meinl Julius, London 1954 Meyerstein Georg, Industrial Tycoon, Paris 1954 Pommer Eric, UFA Boss Rothschild Clarisse Sachs Gunther, Industrial Tycoon Schönbauer Leopold, Professor, Surgeon Somerset Maugham William, British Writer Wlaschek, Karl, Industrial and Real Estate Tycoon Werfel Franz, Poet Witzigmann Eckart, famous chef (meeting Schloss Velden’s shooting star Silvio Nickol, with F&B mastermind Peter Schoch) Theatre and Film Bergman Ingrid, Actress Birgl Willi, Actor Böhm Karlheinz, Actor Breuer Siegfried, Actor Carreras, José, Tenor Crosby Bing, Actor, Singer Douglas Kirk, Actor Forst Willi, Actor Gish Lillian, Actress, New York Güden Hilde, Singer Heesters Johannes, Actor, Entertainer Henreid Paul, Movie Actor Jürgens Udo, Singer Knef Hildegard, Actress, Author Krüger Hardy, Actor Lichter Marika, Musical Actress Lingen Theo, Actor Neumeister Brigitte, Actress Rebroff Ivan, Singer Rethy Esther, Singer Caption: Richie Lionel, Singer, performing prior to re-opening Rökk Marika, Actress, Dancer Rotter Fritz, Austrian Author and Composer, Film Music, 1929 Schmitz Sybille, Movie Actress Shaggy, Reggae Star from Jamaica, EURO 2008 Song Seal, Singer Sharif Omar, Actor Tanaka Michiko, Actress, Wife of Viktor de Kowa Tolnaes Gunnar, Silent Movie Star (Sturmflut des Lebens ,1921) Van de Velde Theodor Hendrik, Physician and Gynaecologist, 1928 Sports Hinterseer Hans, Ski-Racing Star and Singer Klammer Franz, Ski-Racing Star, meeting Soccer Star Franz Beckenbauer at the Schloss Neuper Hubert, Ski-Jumping Star Walcher Josef, Ski Racer
It is a pleasure to observe the effect of the season on the spa guest. His walk becomes more elastic, his complexion fresher, the whole appearance juvenile . . . most recommended is the visit in this spa during the seasons of spring and autumn . . . remarkable in the first place is the rapid disappearance of sleeplessness . . . great results for heart patients . . . the winter season in Velden is the most recommended. In particular the months of January and February are ideal . . . We have to point out that winters come without the unpleasant company of fog . . . due to the absence of high mountains in the close vicinity the sun shines until late (e.g. much longer than in Meran in South Tyrol). The air pressure is of even quality, the sun intensive and the situation of Velden is perfectly wind safe . . . could you imagine anything more fascinating than 10 miles (16.5 kilometres) of this mirror of an ice surface, this lake offers during the months of January and February? . . . skating, sledging on the gentle slopes, and ice curling (the preferred pastime of the natives, healthy and absolutely not dangerous) are perfect sports in fresh air – a perfect method to strengthen the organism . . . the sun is warm enough for guests to appear in short sleeves, and most people consider it the ultimate luxury to sit in comfortable chairs on the ice of the lake, enjoying the heating rays of the sun . . .
From the chronicle of Velden, 1913
Ein Schloss am Wörthersee (1990) see: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0098902/
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Roy Black, the german singer, played the lead in the TV series Ein Schloss am Wörthersee. Here you see one of his most memorable TV appearances, an interview with showmaster Blacky Fuchsberger (in German).
2007 Henning Reichel
2008 Roland Paar
2009 Elmar Greif
2010 Michael Sternig
2012 Christopher Cox
2015 Sascha Marx
The hotel is comprised of 105 guestrooms, including 39 rooms in the chateau and 66 rooms and suites in a contemporary addition. The modern addition will also house 45 private residences sold by Stiller & Hohla, a partner of Christie’s Great Estates Europe. Each guestroom and residence boasts exceptional views of gardens, Lake Woerth and the Alps in the distance. Guest room amenities include: • A central computer system with controls for all of the room’s functions (lights, curtains, etc.) at bedside • Plasma televisions • Wireless internet access • Dual fireplaces • Pratesi linens • Superior bath amenities • Rainforest showerheads
Tower Suits Presidential Suite Imperial Suite
Dining options at Schloss Velden epitomize the variety of styles and moods to which the hotel can cater. The fine dining room located in the chateau, Schlossstern, will feature a daily written menu and a magnificent wine and champagne list. Seespitz, the lakeside restaurant in the Beach Club, offers a sleek, modern setting with changing moods throughout the day. Seesptiz features a luxurious breakfast incorporating local specialties, lunch with an international flair and evening dining with local and international Tapas selections. After nightfall, the restaurant transforms into a chic lakeside lounge where exceptional music and food combine to create the center of Velden’s social scene. The hotel’s sophisticated Schloss Bar, a favorite among European royalty and celebrity guests in earlier decades, will be known not only as a favorite gathering spot, but for the locally brewed and bottled Schloss Bräu.
Dine at the exquisite restaurant Schlossstern - and take your personalized menu with you. Ask to list the wines you had with your meal, too.
Austrian traditions and indigenous ingredients will be incorporated into each service and treatment offered at Auriga, Schloss Velden’s 30,000-square foot lake-front spa, fitness and wellness center. Auriga will house 14 private treatment rooms, personal training space and a world-class fitness center with lake views. An indoor pool, spa café with a full wellness menu, steam sauna, a grotto-style ice room complete with falling snow and an indoor, interactive golf simulator round out the superior offerings. Schloss Velden’s stylish Beach Club and private Marina affords guests the opportunity to relax lakeside or partake in waterskiing and other high-energy lake excursions. Their distinctive cabanas entice guests to the water’s edge and provide an ideal location to enjoy a lakeside lunch. In addition, the cabanas can be reserved fully stocked for the day. Guests will also enjoy a range of land-based recreational activities including tennis, skiing, horseback riding, mountain biking, bungee jumping, skydiving and, seasonally, Nordic walking and dog-sledding. For golf enthusiasts, Carinthia offers nine golf courses, four of which are located around Lake Woerth.
Over 13,000-square feet of indoor and outdoor meeting and event space will serve up to 360 people for business meetings and gala events. In addition, a grand boardroom and chairman’s room are available in theatre, U-shape, parliamentary or banquet styles and will host meetings and events for up to 130 people. All meetings and event rooms are equipped with state-of-the-art audio/visual equipment, wireless internet access and LCD projectors. Schloss Velden provides a romantic and enchanting setting for weddings and special events. The ballroom, featuring elegant Swarovski crystal chandeliers, seats up to 300 for a sit-down banquet and 400 for a cocktail reception. Personal wedding and event planners are on hand to coordinate events from start to finish with creative and personalized touches. Each custom-created menu is prepared by award winning chefs and the hotel’s in-house pastry chef is available to produce made to order wedding cakes. The resort’s exclusivity policy ensures that only one wedding a day will take place at the chateau.