Премьер Палас Киев Premier – Palace Hotel – Kijev, Ukraine (Russian)

Andreas Augustin
161; Cover painting by Manfred Markowski, contemporary photography by Michelle Chaplow
Leather-bound edition
Hardcover (real cloth bound / gold stamping / dust jacket)
русский 978-3-900692-30-8; английский 978-3-900692-28-5; украинский 978-3-900692-29-2, 978-3-900692-30-8
160 x 235 mm, 700 g
Also available in
Related Hotel
В 1912 году новое здание на углу Пушкинской и Бибиковского бульвара (сегодня бульвар Шевченко) стало объектом паломничества для всех молодых архитекторов. Это сооружение определенно содержало в себе элемент новизны. Архитекторы из Одессы Минкус и Траупянский создали высокий, изящный и достойный фасад. В 1908 году венский архитектор Адольф Лоос придумал провокационную фразу – «украшение и преступление», имея в виду, что украшениям не место в предметах каждодневного обихода, включая здания. Фасад гостиницы «Palast-Hôtel», являл собой оригинальный компромисс между стилями ар-нуво, арт-деко и чем-то совсем новым. За этим стилем будущее, соглашались молодые архитекторы.
Andreas Augustin
Premier Palace Kyiv
in the series
The Most Famous Hotels in the World™
We would like to thank Olexandr Lytvyn, the General Director of the Premier Palace Hotel, for making this book possible.
It must be noted with greatest respect that the management of the hotel decided to accept historical facts rather than old legends and traditionally distributed myths. Sometimes swans are born after ugly ducklings went to die. Therefore we have to look at the story of the swan, and of the duck.
We are in particular indebted to all former and current members of the staff, who contributed so generously to this book. Personal thanks go to - in loose order: Oleksandra Plakhota, Alexey Metelskiy, Rodderich Leffler, Natalia Ostapenko, Anna Semenkova, and all the others who have contributed to this book. Thanks for personal assistance at the hotel goes to the team of the concierge desk, in particular to Irina Lonyuk and Sergey Tikhiy and to the butler Yuliya Perfilova.
History research: the author wishes to thank Kyiv historian Mikhail Kalnitsky, Thomas Cane, Carola Augustin, Viktor Kirkevich and Pavlo Dyban for their contributions.
Historical photographs: Famous Hotels Main Archives, Pavlo Dyban (oldkyiv.org.ua),
Viktor Kirkevich, Mikhail Kalnitsky, Kyiv Kinophtophone Archive.
Photographs: Michelle Chaplow, Set-up by Joaquin Alarcón
Translations: Ukrainian: Annya Korbut, Russian: Mikhail Zagot
Editor: Thomas Cane
Cover painting and illustration: Manfred Markowski
All historic data have been carefully selected during research with the objective of providing a general historical overview. This work does not therefore claim to be complete. Historic photographs have been restored as necessary, and are therefore subject to copyright. The entire work, including such parts as the dust jacket, the enclosed postcards and bookmarks, are also subject to copyright.
Any form of storage using electronic media or distribution via a network is prohibited. Any reproduction of excerpts from this work without the explicit written consent of The Most Famous Hotels in the World™ will be prosecuted.
Note for publishers, journalists and authors
All photographs used in this book are available as high-quality digital files. Please contact the archives of The Most Famous Hotels in the World (archives@famoushotels.org) and ask for these illustrations for your own publications. We will be happy to provide them for you.
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