The Half Moon Treasury

Andreas Augustin
Over 160 historic and contemporary photographs and illustrations
Leather-bound edition
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Welcome to Half Moon; the legendary beach resort. As some have it, Half Moon represents the third wave of beach resorts for Americans: the first generation established Palm Beach as their getaway from New York, their children built Nassau to get away from Palm Beach and the 1950s generation made Jamaica their retreat to get away from their parents. For Europeans, Jamaica was the guarantee to get away from it all. They all were the first true ‘generation cool’.
At that time, Jamaica was emerging as the most beautiful islands of the Caribbean. A group of connoisseurs of freedom and luxury created Half Moon. That's where our story starts.
Welcome to Half Moon. During the 1950s, Jamaica was emerging as the most beautiful of the southernmost islands of the British West Indies. It was here that a group of connoisseurs created Half Moon.
Today Half Moon is the largest elegant beach resort of the most famous hotels in the world. It is a synonym for Jamaican hospitality, leading the bucket lists of discerning travellers.
Half Moon reinvents itself every season. It never gets tired to surpass expectations. The much stressed word luxury becomes irrelevant: neither time nor space – luxury’s prevailing ingredients – matter.
Please allow me to take you through some pages of Jamaican history before we explore the story of Half Moon itself and its many little secrets.
Andreas Augustin
Special thanks go to Guy Steuart III, Chairman of Half Moon, and general manager Sandro Fabris, who initiated the research work about the history of Half Moon.
We are indebted to Guy Steuart II and Margaret Steuart, Cornelius Reid, William H. Pearce, Nina Pearce, Peter Kellond, Richard Whitfield, Peter Komposch and Shernette Crichton.
We are most grateful for the memories of Heinz and Elisabeth Simonitsch, and thankful for all assistance and advise to Wordsworth Watson, Giorgio Rusconi, Elvis Malahoo, Spencer Edwards, Troy Gichie, Irma Clarke.
Personal thanks to Laura Tanna, Tony and Sheila Hart for various private consultations, Robin and Trina deLisser, Chris Blackwell and Mark Kerr-Jarrett.
We are indebted to Attila Becsy, Brian Langford, Christopher Golding, Paula Lilly, Everette Baker, Fitzroy Kirlew Dobson, George Palmer, Georgia Rookwood, Hans Heusinkveld, Joan Coore, Jonathan Greenland, Josef Forstmayr, Myrtle Dwyer, Peter Wise, Shirley and Annabelle Arber, the late Solomon Gardner, Stella Gray, Tamika Williams and Ras Natango, Tanya Vassell, William C. Marlatt, Alford Anglen and all the others who so enthusiastically contributed to this book.
Special thanks to Half Moon’s public relations manageress Laura Redpath.
Photography: Cindy Steuart, Holger Leue, Joplin Sinclair, Casey Cronin, Roberto Bonardi, Joplin Sinclair, Archives of Half Moon
Historic photos: Steuart Family Archives, William Pearce, Cornelius Reid, Jamaica National Heritage Trust, The National Library of Jamaica, Heinz Simonitsch Collection, Famous Hotels Archives,
Half Moon History Database: Carola Augustin
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© Andreas Augustin — The Most Famous Hotels in the World (2018)