Metropole Brussels
It is indeed a shame that the European capital, Brussels, has had to go without one of its most significant historic hotels for years. The Metropole is currently closed. In 2024, rumors are intensifying that it will reopen in 2025. We will definitely continue to follow its story. Here is a little preview:
'The Hotel Metropole, resembling similar establishments in London, has risen rapidly, to become one of the first houses in Brussels.'
'Inaugurated alongside the vast cafe - another marvel of richness and good taste - also founded by the Wielemans-Ceuppens family, the Hotel Metropole, resembling similar establishments in London, has risen rapidly, to become one of the first houses in Brussels. Nothing has been overlooked to create the ultimate luxurious impression. The beauty of the used materials, the noble timber varieties, the natural marbles and their monumental or artistic use, the electrical lighting and the steam heating on all floors, everything has been thoroughly thought over to make the voyager oblivious that he stays in a hotel and to create the special atmosphere of home quietude. The Hotel Metropole is located on the Place de Brouckere, between the Boulevard Anspach and the Boulevard du Nord, two thriving centers of amusement and business. This major city thoroughfare goes to the North station in one direction and to the South station in the other. In the same vicinity you will find post offices, telegraph and telephone offices, theaters and concert cafes, art galleries and many more...'
From the first hotel brochure, dated, 1894
The Bar
Jardin d'hiver
History Book Hotel Metropole by Virginie Jourdain
1890: The Café Metropole was inaugurated to present the beers of the owner family Wielemans to the public.
1894: Many electrified tramways and subways converge to the hotel, and private cars can be placed in front of the Hotel. Of the many facilities of the Hotel, we have only provided a glimpse. Thanks to the owner's visionary ideas, who bear a famous name in the Belgian brewer's world, they are all of princely taste. Let us first enter the entrance-hall in French renaissance style. On your left and right, blind mirrors provide you with a view on the lounge, the restaurant and the reception. The high walls are covered with Numidian marble, and the coffered ceiling will remind you of some historical Loire castles. Admire the wrought- and cast-iron arches, professionally designed and finely crafted. The Hall, illuminated by large lanterns and enhanced with stained-glass windows, is ventilated by hidden air conducts. Characterized by simple architectural design, supported by large bays and enlarged with mirrors, this space will leave you with an impression of grandness. Opposite the Hall, you will admire the large staircase. The lift was commissioned from the renowned French company of Edoux, which found favor when it equipped the Eiffel Tower with elevators. The latest safety measures have been used, like the ones in the Banque de France or in the Fort de Vincennes or in many Parisian Hotels. The walls in the hall and in the staircase have also been covered with Numidian marble. In the Café Metropole, a lovely marble fountain, with a bronze nymph on top, as well as a statue represented the techniques on the roof of the hotel created and realized by Julien Dillen, are not to be forgotten. The restaurant “L’Alban Chambon” is decorated in an Italian baroque style. On both ends you will see large Chemtoe marble fireplaces, over twenty feet high, with gilded ornaments. The large Hall - This vast room, formerly marvelous winter garden and now bar “Le 19eme” with very comfortable armchairs, a piano, frescoes on the ceiling, has been decorated in aristocratic style. A strict and both lush impression is conveyed by the design of the layout and the charm of the shades. Six high marble columns, enriched with Pompeian bronze and gold inlays, sustain the arched ceiling. In the coffers of this ceiling, you will be attracted by the boldness of the colors, by the decoration, by the original, harmonious and charming design. What have we forgotten in this mind dazzling description, however incomplete? That the presentation and courtesy of the staff is unflawed; that all employees speak different languages; that both kitchen and wine cellar of the Hotel Metropole stand no comparison; that all meals are real Lucullus feasts completed with concerts each evening at six p.m., during the whole season at the bar. It would be useless publicity, for the reputation of this house has already been established through many thousands of visitors, who pledged to return after their stay.
From the first hotel brochure, dated, 1894
1895: The Wielemans - Ceuppens family bought the building, a former bank, just next to the Café Metropole and converted it into a hotel. As responsible archtitect Alban Chambon was engaged and supervised all the main works. The main entrance was decorated in French renaissance style, the reception hall in Empire style, and some rooms in Art Deco style.
1995: The hotel celebrated its centenary.
2002, April: The Council of Monuments and Sites of Region of Brussels-Capital gave Metropole Hotel’s facade as well as the ground floor protected status.
At the Metropole in 1911: seated (L-R): Walther Nernst, Marcel Brillouin, Ernest Solvay, Hendrik Lorentz, Emil Warburg, Jean Baptiste Perrin, Wilhelm Wien, Marie Curie, and Henri Poincaré. Standing (L-R): Robert Goldschmidt, Max Planck, Heinrich Rubens, Arnold Sommerfeld, Frederick Lindemann, Maurice de Broglie, Martin Knudsen, Friedrich Hasenöhrl, Georges Hostelet, Edouard Herzen, James Hopwood Jeans, Ernest Rutherford, Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, Albert Einstein, and Paul Langevin. Photograph was taken by Benjamin Couprie, 1911
Sarah Bernharst, Jaques Brel, Yehudi Menuhin Philippe Noiret, Jean-Pierre Jeunet, Justine Henin, David Gross, Hans Blix, Pierre Arditi, Arthur Rubinstein, Jean Piat and many others ...
Through the years, the Metropole has offered his beautiful settings for the shooting of many prestigious movies.
Among them you find:
Les anges gardiens, France, 1994, Gerard Depardieu and Christian Clavier, Producer: Alain Poire
Le sang des autres, France-Canada, 1984, Jodie Foster and Lambert Wilson, Producer Claude Chabrol
“Odette tout le monde” (France) with Catherine Frot and Albert Dupontel.
Producer : Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt – 2006
“Je l’aimais” (Belgium) with Daniel Auteuil and Marie-Josée Croze
Producer : Zabou Breitman – May 2008
“Villa Amamia” (France) with Isabelle Huppert. Producer : Benoît Jacquot – July 2008
“La guerre continue” (France) with Micheline Presle. Producer : Frédéric Sojcher – July 2009
“Hors La Loi” France- Algeria Producer : Racid Bouchareb
Wouter Liekens
Rodolphe van Weyenbergh
Xavier Damster / Alexander Krips
Serge Schultz until ca 2001
Miguel Van Ackere (HM)
23 Suites
Toscanini, Sarah Bernardt, Jaqcues Brel, Maurice Béjart, Jean Piat, Annie Cordy, Yehudi Menuhin, César Baldacini, François Weyergans, Francis Huster, Isadora Duncan, Royal Suite, Rudolf Noureyev
Located right in the historical center of the European capital, just a few steps away from the “Grand-Place”, the “Bourse” and the “Theatre de la Monnaie” and close to the city’s most exciting shopping thoroughfare of Brussels you find the Hotel Metropole.
The “Alban Chambon” restaurant: opened in 1985, sumptuous Italian baroque decor, classic and innovative cuisine (2 toques, 15/20 GaultMillau). Le 19eme” Bar: elegant, refined and relaxing atmosphere in a timeless decor, serving a large selection of cocktails and fine aged whiskies. The “Cafe Metropole” with its unique open heated terrace is open around the whole year.
Watch the world go by from the hotel’s heated terrace.
Fitness Centre Golf at Brussels’ Ravenstein and Waterloo courses Trail riding through the Soignes Forest Tennis at Leopold Club and for all who enjoy water sports please note that the Sea is just 100 km away.
22 meeting rooms with a total capacity to 600 guests including the Metropole Executive Center, a separate wing of the building reserved for educational trainings, meetings and events.