Mont Cervin Palace
The hotel in the city centre of Zermatt was built 1852 by city council Josef Anton Clemenz. It originally only hat 14 beds. 15 years later it was bought by Alexander Seiler.
The Mont Cervin Palace stands out with its attractive south-façade and roof with numerous turrets. And the hotel’s red horse-drawn carriage is an ever popular photo motive.
Built 1852 with just 15 rooms. Bought 15 years later by Alexander Seiler
1902: Villa Margherita was openend with 50 beds. Through the years the number of beds rose to 350.
In the following years ongoing renovations kept the hotel up to date.
2004: the 6 floor was enlarged and is now used as staff quarters.
On the 15 Decembre 2008 the hotel in the hotel – "Le Petit Cervin" was openend.