Grandhotel Pupp
A hotel first appeared on this site back in the 17th century, when the spa town of Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad) was becoming a playground for the European aristocracy. Over the course of its long history Grand Hotel Pupp has been a magnet for some of the greatest figures through the ages who came here for the celebrated spas. The guest list reads like a who’s who of history, with names such as Beethoven, Bach, Kafka and Goethe having all made a sojourn here.
How the Stage was Set
1701: The first of the buildings that make up the present day hotel was built.
1775-76: Johann Georg Pupp and his wife purchased the buildings and started a hotel on the premises.
1922-3: Construction of the modern hotel was completed. HISTORY IN DETAIL
1701: Saxony Hall, the first building in the Pupp complex, was built, commissioned by the local mayor. A subsequent mayor, by the name of Andreas Becher, built his own ‘Lusthaus’ one the corner of Saxony Hall. It became known as Czech Hall.
1760: A native of Veltrusy, Jan Jirþí Pop, arrived in Carslbad. A confectioner who had previously worked for Count Rudolf Chotek, he found employment at local confectionery Mitterbach.
1775: Jan Jirþí Pop married the daughter of Mitterbach, Frantisþka. His new wife bought one third of the Czech Hall from the widow of Mayor Becher.
1776: Frantisþka purchased a second third of Czech Hall, while her husband, who by then had begun to call himself Johann Georg Pupp, bought the remaining third.
1800s: Hotel Pupp business grew significantly.
1885: we find the name Grandhotel Pupp for the first time in newspapers.
1890: The Pupp family, represented by brothers Anthony, Julius and Heinrich, obtained proprietorship of the original Saxony Hall. That same year, the family also formed a joint stock company.
1896: The business invited Viennese architects Fellner and Helmer to the Pupp.
1907: The collection of different buildings was incorporated into one establishment.
1922-3: The hotel was fully re-constructed and modernised. Every room has its own bathroom with warm and cold water.
1939: On the eve of World War II, the Pupp family was finally able to buy the last of the rear buildings, the so-called House of God’s Eye – today’s Café Pupp. 1951: The hotel was renamed Grandhotel Moscow.
1989: The hotel reverted back to its traditional name.
2001: The hotel celebrated 300 years of (COMBINED!) history.
In the last 200 years, most famous visitors to the spa town of Carslbad have stayed at the hotel. They include: From the World of Politics Peter the Great Friedrich I of Prussia Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor Napoleon III Empress Marie Teresa (Habsburg) Field marshal Gideon Erns Laudon Otto von Bismark Václav Havel King Juan Carlos of Spain King Harald of Norway Prince Augustus II of Saxony From the World of Art, Literature, Music, and Philosophy Johann Sebastian Bach Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnitz Richard Wagner Ferenc Liszt Ludwig van Beethoven Johann Wolfgang Goethe Franz Kafka Mozart From the World of Cinema Whoopi Goldberg Gregory Peck Alan Alda Michael Douglas Ornela Muti Robert de Niro Rita Hayworth Philippe Noiret Others Jurij Gagarin
Roman Vacho
111 Rooms
Minibar Safe Satellite TV Radio Telephone Wi-Fi Some rooms are also equipped with air-conditioning.
Grand Restaurant Pupp ------ Club Mala Dvorana ------ Cafe Pupp ------ Becher's Bar
The West Bohemian town of Karlovy Vary (also known as Carlsbad) is famous for its spas. It is surrounded by around 60 hot wells, which provide for a revitalising break. Famous for its lace, cut crystal glass and porcelain, the town itself is well worth a visit, while Prague is about an hour and a half away by car
Remedial springs rise in the valley of the Teplá river. The Carlsbad balneology, over 600 years old, is built upon its curative effects. The hotel is equipped with a health spa, as well as a state of the art fitness centre.