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1890: Arrival at the Grand Hotel Belvedere in Davos, Switzerland by A.L.Henderson
In 1890, Queen Vitoria's court photographer A.L.Henderson recorded this wonderful scene at the Grand Hotel Belvedere in Davos, Switzerland. A true treasure of photography and hospitality.
At the WEF World Economic Forum, former soccer president Joseph "Sepp" Blatter meets UN Secretary General Kofi Anan at the Grand Hotel Belvedere Davos Switzerland.
Photograph by Marcel Giger, 2015 > More
Richard Nixon and Zhou En Lai at Peoples Grand Hotel Xian, China (1972)
1932: Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy at the Caledonian Edinburgh
Paris: Best dressed American Barry Wall and Frank of the Ritz
People’s Grand Hotel Xian
During the research for his new book People's Grand Hotel Xi'an (China) Andreas Augustin explores a secret underground tunnel, which served as a path between the People's Grand Hotel and the next "Building No 2". The hotel was built in 1953, and this tunnel is today closed. More
Johannes Baur, born in Austria in 1795, was a visionary entrepreneur who profoundly shaped Zurich’s hospitality industry. In 1837, at the age...Read More
The historic building (top, slide to the right): The "new" Raffles main building in 1899. It opened on 18 November 1899, featuring the all new...Read More
In 1952, a group of wealthy individuals including Donald Deskey, the fabled designer (among his works the Radio City Music Hall); Harvey Firestone,...Read More
You don your safari gear during the day, but you always dress for dinner. Because Mount Kenya Safari Club Nanyuki is an exclusive retreat.
High on...Read More
Happiness is made to be shared, knew the great French dramatist Jean Baptiste Racine (†1699).
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