Harry Potter at The Balmoral
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According to a clue she left in a hotel room on 11. January 2007, Harry Potter author J K Rowling finished the last lines of her last Harry Potter book at The Balmoral, in Scotland's capital city Edinburgh. Soon after the startled staff discovered in room 652 that the famous author had autographed and scribbled a note in black marker on a bust of the Greek god Hermes in her suite with the phrase:
"JK Rowling finished writing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in this room on 11th Jan 2007."(Hermes is also the name of character Percy Weasley's pet owl in the series.)

One worker snapped the message on a mobile phone camera. And a hotel source said: “We couldn’t believe it when we saw it."
“We get celebrities in the Balmoral all the time and they often sign autographs for fans — but no one has left one behind on an ornament before.”
The Balmoral refused to comment on the message. But the writer’s representative confirmed she had been penning the novel at the hotel, a Select Member of The Most Famous Hotels in the World".