Turn History into a Profit
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All our clients (=famous hotels) ask us: How can we combine our archive material (taking up space, creating no revenue) with the presentation of our history (using that space, creating revenue)? The Profitable Museum Shop concept cleverly combines perfect contemporary archiving methods with the opportunity to add an entertaining attraction to the hotel. The steps are simple: 1. Our experts (historians and marketing specialists) view the archives. 2. Archives are divided into items that should be digitised and/or exhibited. 3. Identification of items for reproduction and resale. 4. Starting reproduction process, manufacturing, etc. 5. Requirement of space is calculated. 6. A location for a museum cum shop is identified, following the three holy rules for hotel-museumshops. 7. The old location of the former archives is available for different use. Check the checklist for "Keeping Archives"